Sausage Balls Recipe


2 C. finely shredded sharp cheese
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 lb. Hot Sausage
2 C. Bisquik

If you plan to bake some, spray a baking sheet with cooking spray, if you plan to freeze line a baking sheet with wax paper.


Begin by combing (by hand) the Bisquik, garlic powder and the sausage. This takes a good amount of time to fully incorporate together. Once the mixture is combined, add in the cheese and once again work the mixture to fully combine. Honestly, this process took me a good 10 minutes or more, but the end result is so worth it. Once the mixture has come together, pinch off a small amount and roll until smooth, then place it on the baking sheet. Continue with remaining mixture. I ended up with about 50 sausage balls. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, turning half way through. If freezing, place the baking sheet in the freezer until fully frozen and then place in a Ziploc bag until ready to use (no thawing required). Serve with mustard.
recipe from Jane't page

2C. finely shredded sharp cheese
1tsp. garlic powder
1lb. Hot Sausage
2C. Bisquik

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